The Election Board:
Staff Council Elections for Academic Employees of the University of Bonn and the UKB
The information provided here lis in the responsibility of the election board for the 2024 staff council elections for academic employees and not of the current PRwiss.
Information on the 2024 PRwiss election
The 2024 elections for the PRwiss will take place at the beginning of June as a postal vote by the academic employees of the University of Bonn and the UKB.
Copies of the election regulations and the list of voters are available in the office of the Staff Council of Academic Employees (Maximilianstr. 22, 53111 Bonn) and can be viewed there by eligible voters until the end of voting on working days from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
The election will be conducted exclusively by postal vote. The postal voting documents will be sent out soon. Please note that the postal voting documents will be sent to your office address. Check your official mailboxes regularly so that you do not miss any deadlines!
The deadline for return is 06.06.2024 at 12 noon (receipt by the University of Bonn post office).

Lists available for election
The election will be held as a list election. The following lists have registered for the election and have been checked and approved by the election board:
- MNL list (Focus list Faculties of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Agriculture)
- Focus list "Humanities/Social Sciences"
- "ver.di" (group of employees)
If you are entitled to vote, take a look at the lists (and their candidates) in our Intranet/Confluence and cast your vote - don't miss out on this important opportunity for co-determination under the LPVG!

The public counting of the votes and determination of the election result took place on 06.06.2024 from 12 noon to approx. 9 p.m. on the premises of the Staff Council of Academic Employees (Maximilianstr. 22, 53111 Bonn).
Thanks to everyone who helped with the evaluation of the election!
The announcement of the results (German only) of the election of the Staff Council of Academic Employees of the University of Bonn can be found in Confluence (intranet of the University of Bonn).
To be elected: 21 Staff Council Members
(no breakdown of civil servants/employees according to § 104 LPVG NRW (German only))
- MNL list (Focus list Faculties of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Agriculture) -> 9 seats in the PRwiss
- Focus list "Humanities/Social Sciences" -> 5 seats in the PRwiss
- "ver.di" (group of employees) -> 7 seats in the PRwiss
Yours sincerely
your Election Board
Additional information and documents
Election Board 2024
for the 2024 staff council election for academic employees