Service Agreement on Mobile Working / Alternating Teleworking

The Service Agreement / "Dienstvereinbarung (DV) zur Mobilen Arbeit / Alternierende Telearbeit als Modellversuch" (DV MA/AT) was published with the circular of 2021/77 and has been signed by the staff councils and the university management since 4 August 2021.

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With the DV MA/AT, a set of rules was created that allows employees of the University of Bonn - as far as their specific jobs allow - a legally secure form of working at home ("alternating teleworking") or in situations in which one has to work at a workstation that is not permanently assigned. "Mobile working" is only ever an exception, i.e. it is occasion-based. Alternating teleworking must be applied for as soon as it becomes a regular occurrence.

If you are interested in mobile working / alternating teleworking, you can submit an application to the university management at any time. In this application, of course, not only the possible framework is agreed, but also issues such as health protection or data protection are addressed. For follow-up applications where the framework conditions have not changed, there is an abbreviated application.

You can find the relevant information of the university administration on the DV MA/AT on the intranet in the Confluence area of Dez. 3.

  • Text of the Service Agreement (Dienstvereinbarung
  • Initial Application for Alternating Teleworking
  • Abbreviated Follow-up Application for Alternating Teleworking
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